Into the Breach Wiki

Leap Mech is a Prime-class mech in Into the Breach.

Team[ | ]

The mech is available as part of the Hazardous Mechs squad.

Strategy[ | ]

The Leap Mech has the most flexible movement of any Prime class Mech, thanks to its starting mobility of 4, and Hydraulic Legs letting it leap over obstacles and enemies. Unlike other Prime class Mechs, the Leap Mech can afford to be deployed in the back rows right from the early-game, due to its attack allowing it to launch itself immediately from turn 1 towards the front, all while pushing and damaging multiple threats at once. It is also possible for the Leap Mech to use Hydraulic Legs to land on Smoke or Water tiles, whilst still attacking enemies next to them. All of these benefits gives the Leap Mech a lot of flexible firing angles.

However, despite its excellent mobility and resolution potential, the Leap Mech is not without its flaws. Firstly, Hydraulic Legs also causes self-damage; this is not an issue in the Hazardous Mechs, where Viscera Nanobots can let it remain active as long as it kills at least one target. In a Custom Squad, though, if Leap Mech is not paired with another Mech such as the Smog Mech or other destruction prevention mechanics, it requires a pilot such as Abe Isamu or Ariadne to prevent its drawback, or alternatively a previous time traveller with the Technician ability so they can Repair every turn. Dismounting the pilot and operating the Mech with the Artificial Pilot can work too, but is less ideal. As long as the self-damage drawback from Hydraulic Legs is prevented or mitigated, the +1 Damage Each upgrade is recommended to get first, so that the Leap Mech can kill and resolve as many enemies as possible.

The second issue is that the Self-Damage, even with a Pilot or Mech that can repair or prevent it, will still damage the tile that the Leap Mech lands on as well; the only way for this to be prevented is to have it shielded, be it through a support weapon from another Mech or with a pilot such as Mafan. Otherwise, unless the Leap Mech is paired with an immunity to fire, avoid landing it's attack on forest tiles, as the self-damage will light it on fire. The same is true with cracked tiles without a shield; unless the mech is equipped with Prospero to fly, the tile will crack and the Leap Mech will fall into the chasm. It will similarly destroy any time pods that it lands on, unless it is equipped with a shield to absorb the self-damage (and collect it instead in this case).

The third, and most prominent issue, is that the Leap Mech is very prone to committing friendly fire; Hydraulic Legs targets 4 tiles in the same way that Cluster Artillery does, but it lacks an upgrade for Buildings Immune. Thus, it's ideal to occupy tiles in tight corners with your own units, or block enemies from moving onto them altogether.

In summary, while the Leap Mech does have great resolution and positioning potential, it requires Mechs or Pilots that synergize with it to counter its drawbacks so that it can be a potent Mech.
