Into the Breach Wiki

The various Weapons from Into The Breach.

Description[ | ]

Each of the Mechs have a Weapon equipped, and will do different things depending on how you want to use them. Note that all weapons have friendly fire ON (unless an exception is mentioned) so if you don't plan properly you can damage your own Mechs.

Most weapons come with an upgrade or two, at the cost of additional Reactor Core usage. Upgrades are not purchased separately from their base weapons, they are included.

Note that powering Upgrade 1 is never a prerequisite for powering Upgrade 2.

List of weapons[ | ]

Prime-class[ | ]

Name Damage Power Effect Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Debug Name
Prime punchmech
Titan Fist
2 Free Punch an adjacent tile, damaging and pushing it.
Dash (Power off small Power off small)
Charge any distance before punching the target.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 2.
Prime lightning
Electric Whip
2 (Power off small) Chain damage through adjacent targets.
Building Chain (Power off small)
Chain through Grid Buildings without causing damage.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Deals +1 damage to all affected tiles.
Prime lasermech
Burst Beam
3-1 Free Fire a piercing beam that decreases in damage the further it goes.
Ally Immune (Power off small)
Friendly units will not take damage from this attack. (Buildings will still be damaged and shields will be removed)
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases the starting damage by 1.
Prime shieldbash
Spartan Shield
2 Free Bash the enemy, flipping its attack direction. (Doesn't affect multi-directional attacks)
Gain Shield (Power off small)
Gain a Shield when bashing.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Prime rockmech
Rock Launcher
2 Free Throw a rock at a chosen target. Rock remains as an obstacle.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Prime righthook
Sidewinder Fist
2 Free Punch an adjacent tile, damaging and pushing it to the left.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1. (Powering both upgrades allows you to move a square when you attack)
Prime rocketpunch
Rocket Fist
2 Free Punch an adjacent tile. Upgrades to launch as a projectile.

(Has knockback)

Rocket (Power off small)
Launch the fist. Pushes the Mech if target is not adjacent.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 2.
Prime shift
Vice Fist
1 Free Grab a unit and toss it behind you.

(If an unit is thrown onto ACID, ACID will apply first then damage)

Ally Immune (Power off small)
Deals no damage to allies.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 2.
Prime flamethrower
Flame Thrower
2 Free Push target tile and light tiles on Fire. Damage units already on Fire. (Starts with 1 range.)
+1 Range (Power off small)
Extends flamethrower range by 1 tile.
+1 Range (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Extends flamethrower range by 1 tile.
Prime areablast
Explosive Vents
1 Free Blast (and push) all adjacent tiles.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Prime spear
Prime Spear
2 (Power off small) Stab multiple tiles and push the furthest hit tile. (Starts with 2-tile range.)
A.C.I.D. Tip (Power off small)
Adds A.C.I.D. to the furthest hit enemy.
+1 Range (Power off small Power off small)
Increases the maximum number of hit tiles by 1.
Prime leap
Hydraulic Legs

(1 self)

Free Leap to a tile, damaging self and adjacent tiles (with push).
+1 Damage Each (Power off small)
Increases damage to self and targets by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to targets by 1.
Prime spinfist
Vortex Fist

(1 self)

Free Damage and push all adjacent tiles to the left.
-1 Self Damage (Power off small)
Reduces the damage the Mech takes when using this weapon by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to targets by 1.
Prime sword
Titanite Blade
2 Free Swing a massive sword to damage and push 3 tiles.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage on each affected tile by 2.
Prime smash
Mercury Fist
4 Free Smash the ground, dealing huge damage and pushing adjacent tiles.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Advanced Edition
Prime Flamespreader
Thermal Discharger
1 Free Damage up to two or more tiles in a line and push tiles to the left and right of damaged tiles. (Starts with 2-tile range.)
+2 Range (Power off small Power off small)
Increases the maximum Range by 2.
Add Fire (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Adds Fire to all hit tiles.
Prime WayTooBig
The Big One

(2 self)

Free Fires a huge missile that damages in a large cone shape. (Deals 3 damage to target, 2 to 3 tiles behind it, and 1 to 5 tiles further behind. Has knockback.)
-1 Self Damage (Power off small)
Deals 1 less damage to the user.
-1 Self Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Deals 1 less damage to the user.
Prime PrismLaser
Prism Laser
1-3 Free Laser that increases in damage for each unit that it hits.
Ally Immune (Power off small)
Friendly units will not take damage from this attack.
No Max Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Removes the upper limit on damage.
Prime TC Punt
Hydraulic Lifter
1 Free Throw an adjacent unit and damage it. (Starts with 2-tile range.)
+2 Range (Power off small)
Increases the range of the throw by 2.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases the damage of the throw by 2.
Prime TC BendBeam
Refractor Laser
1-3 (Power off small) A laser that can bend, dealing more damage to nearby tiles.
Ally Immune (Power off small)
Friendly units will not take damage from this attack.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
+2 maximum damage
Prime TC Feint
Spring-Loaded Legs
2 (Power off small) Leap and attack a tile (next to your landing point), dealing damage and pushing it.
+2 Range (Power off small)
Leap up to 4 tiles away.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increase damage to the target by 2.
Prime KO Crack
Fissure Fist
3 Free Heavily damage a tile, cracking tiles behind the target on kill.


+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increase damage to the target by 1.
+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.

Brute-class[ | ]

Name Damage Power Effect Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Debug Name
Brute tankmech
Taurus Cannon
1 Free Fires a powerful projectile that damages and pushes its target.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Brute jetmech
Aerial Bombs
1 Free Fly over a target, dropping an explosive smoke bomb.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Range (Power off small Power off small)
Allows jumping over and attacking an additional target.
Brute mirror
Janus Cannon
1 Free Fire two projectiles in opposite directions (with push).
+1 Damage (Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Brute phaseshot
Phase Cannon
1 Free Shoot a projectile that phases through Grid Buildings.
Phase Shield (Power off small)
Applies a Shield to buildings it passes through.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Brute grapple
Grappling Hook
Free Use a grapple to pull Mech towards immovable objects, or units to the Mech.
Shield Ally (Power off small)
If used on an ally unit it gives them a Shield.
Brute shrapnel
Def. Shrapnel
Free Fire a non-damaging projectile that pushes tiles around the target. Brute_Shrapnel
Brute sniper
Rail Cannon
0 - 2 Free Projectile that does more damage to targets that are further away.
+1 Max Damage (Power off small)
Increases max damage by 1.
+2 Max Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases max damage by 2.
Brute shockblast
Shock Cannon
1 Free Fire a projectile that hits 2 tiles, pushing them in opposite directions.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Brute beetle
Ramming Engines

(1 self)

Free Fly in a line and slam into the target, pushing it and hurting yourself.

(The self damage is also considered as attack to terrain)

+1 Damage Each (Power off small)
Increases damage to self and target by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to target by 1.
Brute unstable
Unstable Cannon

(1 self)

Free Powerful projectile that causes damage to shooter as well as target (and push each).
+1 Damage Each (Power off small)
Increases damage to self and target by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases target damage by 1.
Brute heavyrocket
Heavy Rocket
3 Free Fire a projectile that heavily damages a target and pushes adjacent tiles.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 2.
Brute splitshot
Shrapnel Cannon
2 Free Shoot a projectile that damages and pushes the targeted tile and the tiles to its left and right.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Brute bombrun
Astra Bombs
1 Free Leap over any distance dropping a bomb on each tile you pass.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to all tiles by 2.
Brute sonic
Hermes Engines
Free Dash in a line, pushing adjacent tiles away. Brute_Sonic
Advanced Edition
Brute KickBack
Reverse Thrusters

(1 self)

Free Smoke and deal damage to a tile while dashing away. (The further you dash, the more damage deals. Starts with 2-tile range.)
+1 Range (Power off small)
Increases the max distance and damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases the max distance and damage by 1.
Brute Fracture
Fracturing Shells
1 Free Fires a projectile that explodes on contact, damaging and pushing adjacent tiles.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases the damage to adjacent tiles by 2.
Buildings Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.
Brute PierceShot
AP Cannon
2 Free Fire a pushing projectile that pierces the first target and damages the second.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to the second hit tile by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to the second hit tile by 1.
Brute TC GuidedMissile
Guided Missile
2 (Power off small) A projectile that can turn once before hitting its target.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
+1 Damage to the target.
Smoke Line (Power off small)
After turning, adds Smoke to each tile passed through.
Brute TC Ricochet
Ricochet Rocket
1 Free Bounce a projectile off one target to hit another (and push each).
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
+1 damage to both targets.
Ally Immune (Power off small)
Friendly units will not take damage from this attack.
Brute TC DoubleShot
Quick-Fire Rockets
1 Free Fire two projectiles in different directions.
Add Push (Power off small)
Will now push both targets.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
+1 damage to both targets.
Brute KO Combo
EM Railgun
2 Free Pierce through any killed Enemies.


+2 Damage (Power off small)
Deals 2 additional damage to all targets.
Building Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.

Ranged-class[ | ]

Name Damage Power Effect Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Debug Name
Ranged artillery
Artemis Artillery
1 Free Powerful artillery strike, damaging a single tile and pushing adjacent tiles.
Buildings Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 2.
Ranged rockthrow
Rock Accelerator
2 Free Launch a rock at a tile, pushing tiles to the left and right.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Ranged defensestrike
Cluster Artillery
1 Free Protect a tile by damaging and pushing adjacent tiles.
Buildings Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to adjacent tiles by 1.
Ranged rocket
Rocket Artillery
2 Free Fires a pushing artillery and creates Smoke behind the shooter.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Ranged ignite
Vulcan Artillery
0 Free Light the target on Fire and push adjacent tiles.
Backburn (Power off small)
Light the tile behind the Mech on Fire.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Adds 2 damage to targeted tiles.
Ranged scattershot
1 Free Artillery with potential to launch multiple small projectiles (with push).
+2 Tiles (Power off small)
Add additional missiles to hit adjacent tiles.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to all tiles by 1.
Ranged backshot
Aegon Mortar
1 Free Deals damage to two tiles, pushing one forwards and one backwards.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
Increases damage to both tiles by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to both tiles by 1.
Ranged ice
(Power off small) Freeze yourself and the target. Ranged_Ice
Ranged smokeblast
Smoke Mortar
Free Artillery shot that applies Smoke and pushes two adjacent tiles. Ranged_SmokeBlast
Ranged fireball
Burning Mortar

(1 self)

Free Artillery attack that sets 5 tiles on Fire.
No Self Damage (Power off small Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage the Mech that uses it.
Ranged rainingvolley
Raining Death

(1 self)

Free A dangerous projectile that damages everything it passes.
Buildings Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.
+1 Damage Each (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to self and targets by 1.
Ranged wide
Heavy Artillery
2 Free Powerful attack that damages a large area.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Ranged dual
Gemini Missiles
3 (Power off small) Launch two missiles, damaging and pushing two targets.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Advanced Edition
Ranged Crack
1 Free Damage and push 3 tiles in a line. (Can aim close tile.)
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Deals 1 additional damage to all targets.
Building Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.
Ranged DeployBomb
Bomb Dispenser
Free Launch a Walking Bomb. Unused bombs dismantle after the enemy turn.
2 Bombs (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Fire a second Walking Bomb in a different direction.
Ranged Arachnoid
Arachnoid Injector
1 Free Damage target, creating a friendly robot spider on kill.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases the artillery attack damage by 1.
Acidic (Power off small)
Adds ACID to the attack of the Arachnoid.
Ranged SmokeFire
Smoldering Shells
1 (Power off small) Damage and apply Fire to a tile while adding Smoke to adjacent tiles (vertical).
More Smoke (Power off small Power off small)
Adds Smoke to more tiles (in 4 directions).
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases the center tile damage by 2.
Ranged TC BounceShot
Rebounding Volley
2 (Power off small) Artillery attack that can bounce to an additional target. (Pull the first and push the second.)
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases the damage to both targets by 1.
Building Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.
Ranged TC DoubleArt
Quick-Fire Artillery
1 Free Fire two artillery shots in different directions.
Ally Immune (Power off small)
Friendly units will not take damage from this attack.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to each hit tile by 2.
Ranged KO Combo
Cascading Resonator

(1 self)

Free Killed enemies explode; victims of splash damage also explode on death.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage to each hit tile by 1.
+Building Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.

Science-class[ | ]

Name Damage Power Effect Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Debug Name
Science pullmech
Attraction Pulse
Free Fires a projectile, pulling target towards you 1 tile. Science_Pullmech
Science gravwell
Grav Well
Free Artillery weapon that pulls its target towards you. Science_Gravwell
Science repulse
Free Push all adjacent tiles.
Shield Self (Power off small)
Creates a personal Shield when used.
Shield Friendly (Power off small Power off small)
Shield adjacent ally or Building.
Science swap
Free Swap places with a nearby tile. (Note: if you are webbed and swap places with another unit, the other unit will become webbed.)
+1 Range (Power off small)
Extends range of the swap by 1 tile.
+2 Range (Power off small Power off small)
Extends range of the swap by 2 tiles.
Science acidprojector
A.C.I.D. Projector
Free Fire a projectile that applies A.C.I.D. and pushes. Science_AcidShot
Science confuse
Confuse Shot
Free Fire a projectile that flips a target's attack direction. Science_Confuse
Science smokedefense
Smoke Pellets
Free Surround yourself with Smoke to defend against nearby enemies.


Ally Immune (Power off small)
No longer applies Smoke on self or allies.
+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
Science shield
Shield Projector
Free Shield tiles from damage.

2 uses per battle.

+1 Use (Power off small Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
+3 Area (Power off small Power off small)
Shields 3 additional tiles.
Science firebeam
Fire Beam
Free Fire a beam that applies Fire in a line.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
Science freezebeam
Frost Beam
(Power off small) Fire a beam that Freezes everything in a line.


+1 Use (Power off small Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
Science localshield
Shield Array
Free Apply a Shield on nearby tiles.


+1 Size (Power off small)
Area of effect increased by 2 tiles.
+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
Science pushbeam
Push Beam
Free Pushes all units in a line.


Unlimited Use (Power off small)
Removes use restriction in battles.
Advanced Edition
Science RainingFire
Firestorm Generator
Free Flaming artillery that drops fire on the way to its target (and push the target). (Starts with 2-tile range.)
+1 Range (Power off small)
Maximum range is increased by 1.
+2 Range (Power off small Power off small)
Maximum range is increased by 2.
Science MassShift
Area Shift
Free Push self and all adjacent tiles.
Shield Self (Power off small)
Shield the user when activated.
Shield Ally (Power off small Power off small)
Shield any Ally units affected by this skill.
Science TelePush
Explosive Warp
Free Teleport to target and push nearby tiles away. Can also be used to push the user to the original position by teleporting to the tile right next to it.
+2 Range (Power off small)
Increases the teleport range by 2.
+2 Range (Power off small)
Increases the teleport range by 2.
Science Placer
Shield Placer
Free Shield target and push adjacent tiles away.
+1 Range (Power off small)
Can target one additional tile away.
+1 Range (Power off small Power off small)
Can target one additional tile away.

(This is actually +2 range. The text is wrong in game)

Science TC Enrage
Enrage Shot
1 Free Force targeted unit to attack adjacent tile.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
The targeted unit does 1 extra damage with its attack.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
The targeted unit does 1 extra damage with its attack.
Science TC Control
Control Shot
Free Temporarily control a unit, moving it a short distance (2 tiles).
+1 Move (Power off small)
Targeted unit can move one extra tile.
+1 Move (Power off small Power off small)
Targeted unit can move one extra tile.
Science TC SwapOther
Force Swap
0 (Power off small) Force a nearby unit to swap places with any other unit.
Heal Ally (Power off small)
Swapping an ally will heal it completely.
Hurt Enemy (Power off small Power off small)
Swapping an enemy will deal 1 damage to it.
Science KO Crack
Seismic Capacitor
1 Free Damage and flip target. If target is killed, crack adjacent tiles.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
Increase damage to the target by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increase damage to the target by 1.

Gravity Mirror

Free Fire a gravity well in 4 directions, pushing or pulling every unit. (Only available through debug) Science_TC_Gravity

Any Class[ | ]

Name Damage Power Effect Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Debug Name
Brute boosters
Free Jump forward and push adjacent tiles away. Support_Boosters
Support smoke
Smoke Bombs
Free Fly over the targets while dropping Smoke.
+1 Range (Power off small)
Increases potential movement range by 1.
+1 Range (Power off small)
Increases potential movement range by 1.
Support refrigerate
Heat Converter
Free Freeze the tile in front but light the tile behind on Fire in the process.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
Support destruct
Kill Icon kill glow Free Mech explodes, killing self and anything adjacent to Mech.


Structure force
Targeted Strike
1 Free Call in an air strike on a single tile anywhere on the map.


Support smokedrop
Smoke Drop
Free Drops Smoke on 5 tiles anywhere on the map.


Support repair
Repair Drop
Free Heal all player units (including disabled Mechs).


Support missiles
Missile Barrage
1 (Power off small) Fires a missile barrage that hits every enemy on the map.


+1 Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Support wind
Wind Torrent
Free Push all units in a single direction.


Unlimited Uses (Power off small)
Removes use restriction in battles.
Support blizzard
Ice Generator
(Power off small) Freeze yourself and nearby tiles.


+1 Size (Power off small)
Area of effect increased by 1 tile.
+1 Size (Power off small Power off small)
Area of effect increased by 1 tile.
Advanced Edition
Support Confuse
Mass Confusion
Free Cause nearby enemies to flip their attack direction.


+1 Size (Power off small)
Area of effect increased by 1 tile.
+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
Support GridDefense
Grid Repulse
Free Overload the grid, causing a building to push away nearby units.
Add Shield (Power off small)
The selected building also gains a shield.
Support TC GridAtk
Grid Assault
1 Free Overload the grid causing a building to damage and push an adjacent tile.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
+1 Damage (Power off small)
Increases damage by 1.
Support TC Bombline
Bombing Run
2 Free Call in bombers, dealing damage to every tile in a row or column.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.
Building Immune (Power off small)
This attack will no longer damage Grid Buildings.
Support KO GridCharger
Grid Charger
1 (Power off small) Killing an enemy will charge the Power Grid 1 point. Single-use. Support_KO_GridCharger
Support Waterdrill
Flood Drill
(Power off small) Convert any liquid Tile to a Hole, spreading the liquid to adjacent tiles.


+1 Use (Power off small)
Increases uses per battle by 1.

Deployables[ | ]

Name Power Effect Health Move Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Debug Name
Deployskill tank
Light Tank
(Power off small Power off small) Deploy a small tank to help in combat.


1 3
+2 Health (Power off small)
Increases the Tank's max health to 3.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases the Tank's attack damage to 2.
Deployskill shieldtank
(Power off small Power off small) Deploy a Shield-Tank that can give Shields to allies.


1 3
+2 Health (Power off small)
Increases the Shield-Tank's max health to 3.
Projectile (Power off small)
The Shield-Tank instead fires a projectile, allowing you to Shield distant targets.


Deployskill acidtank
A.C.I.D. Tank
(Power off small Power off small) Deploy a Tank that can apply A.C.I.D. to targets.


1 3
+2 Health (Power off small)
Increases the Tank's max health to 3.
Push (Power off small)
The tank's attack also pushes its target.
Deployskill pulltank
(Power off small Power off small) Deploy a Pull-Tank that can pull targets with a projectile.


1 3
+2 Health (Power off small)
Increases the Pull-Tank's max health to 3.
Flying (Power off small)
Gives the Pull-Tank the ability to fly.

Support IceTank

(Power off small Power off small) Deploy an Ice-Tank to that can freeze its targets. (Only available through debug)


3 3 N/A (Power off small) N/A (Power off small)

Cyborg-class[ | ]

Name Damage Power Effect Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Debug Name
Vek beetle weap
Ramming Speed
1 Free Dash across the map, damaging and pushing the target tile.
Smoke Behind (Power off small)
Tile behind you gains Smoke.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 2.
Vek hornet weap
Needle Shot
1 Free Throw needles at the enemy, pushing the furthest hit tile. (Starts with 1-tile range.)
Range & Damage (Power off small Power off small)
Increases potential hit tiles by 1 and damage on all tiles by 1.
Range & Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases potential hit tiles by 1 and damage on all tiles by 1.
Vek scarab weap
Explosive Goo
1 Free Artillery attack that damages a tile and pushes adjacent tiles away.
+1 Tile (Power off small)
Increases area hit by 1 tile.
+2 Damage (Power off small Power off small Power off small)
Increases damage by 2.

See Also[ | ]
